Krill oil vs Fish oil

Krill Oil vs Fish Oil - Which is Better? See Who Wins the Ultimate Battle!

Firstly though it’s important to set the scene: we don’t have enough essential fatty acids in our daily diet, and to combat this we need to take omega-3 fatty acid (docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) & eicosapentanoic acid (EPA)) supplements on a daily basis.
But which omega-3 supplement should you take, when both krill oil and fish oil both contain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA)? And just how vast is the difference?
The answer to the question of which is better is… krill oil. And yes, there’s quite a lot of difference between krill oil and fish oil, as the following explains:

- Absorption -

Krill oil - Is rapidly absorbed by the body due to the omega-3 fatty acids being bound to phospholipids which is the same format used by our cells. Basically they are more easily transferred to the cells where they can get to work.

Fish oil - Has a higher level of EPA (eicosapentanoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), but the omega-3 fatty acids are in triglyceride form and need to be broken down by the body before they can be reassembled to be absorbed.

- Antioxidant -

Krill oil - Is naturally rich in the potent antioxidant Astaxanthin.

Fish oil - Is highly perishable due to the lack of antioxidants in fish oil.

- Sustainability -

Krill oil - Less than 1% of the world’s total krill are taken and utilised for oil extraction each year, resulting in a uniquely abundant and sustainable source of omega-3. Krill oil is extracted from pristine deep-water seas far from industrial areas

Fish oil - With the increase in large scale industrial fish farming in the 1950s, up to 90% of some large fish stocks consumed by humans and used for fish oil production have been fished out.

- Purity -

Krill oil - Does not contain detectable levels of toxins like mercury, due to the position of krill in the marine food chain (at the bottom). These tiny creatures feed only on phytoplankton which do not contain mercury. In fact, omega-3 sourced from krill is considered to be the purest on the planet.

Fish oil - Is made from large tuna, swordfish and mackerel and can have dangerous mercury concentrations as well as high levels of heavy metals in their bodies.

- Manufacturing process -

Krill oil - There is only a minimal process in producing krill oil.

Fish oil - Undergoes harsh and extensive processing to remove toxic pollutants.

- Odour -

Krill oil - Has no fishy aftertaste or odour.

Fish oil - Usually has a distasteful fishy reflux.

Australia Health Warehouse stocks a range of Krill Oil, and has a special offer on Swisse High Strength Krill Oil. Click here to find out more:

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